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Stock Portfolio Models

The model portfolio is another unique feature that lets you effortlessly build a stock market portfolio by selecting stocks with distinctive attributes. For example, you may want to invest only in growth stocks.

However, as an investor, it would be challenging for you to find all the growth stocks in a particular stock market. You will have to analyze an endless amount of stocks, go through a lot of information and then make a final selection.

Model Investment Portfolio


Investment Portfolio Models

You can do that using the Bourse panel's model portfolio feature in just a single click. All that you have to do is select a model portfolio from the available list and input your investment size. The platform will then find all the stocks based on your selected model. The given stocks can be from any sector.

However, the stock will include the specific attributes of the model chosen. The platform also gives you the exact amount to invest in each stock. In addition, the platform provides comprehensive portfolio information that you can download in PDF format.

  • Warren Buffett Portfolio Model
  • Value Stocks Portfolio Model
  • High Income Portfolio Model
  • Growth Stocks Portfolio Model
  • Bill Gates Portfolio Model
Model Investment Portfolios