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Build your stock market portfolio based on your investment size, risk appetite, and investment time frame.
Review your existing stock market portfolio, find ways to improve performance, and reduce the risk.
Build your portfolio using our prebuild portfolio models by simply entering your investment size.
Get the best performing stock picks organized into various categories based on their performance, sector etc.
Stock health and score feature is an ideal way of finding a company’s overall performance score.
Get Intraday, short term, mid term and long term stocks trade signals with entry and exit levels
My portfolio is an ideal feature to keep a track of your portfolio performance and to make timely decisions.
Build your stock market watch list, view it with one click, and easily monitor it for potential trading opportunities.
Get fundamental and technical report of any stock including its basic information, health score, support and resistance levels, etc.
Get the best performing stock picks from any market Sector and invest with confidence
You are new to the stock market
You are new and don’t have adequate knowledge of stock market investment
You tried and lost money in Stock Trading
You have invested in the stock market earlier and lost money
You don't make money From Stock Trading
You invested in stock market but you dont make reasonable profits
Advanced Portfolio Management tools
Quality Portfolio management tools to improve your portfolio performance
Reduce Your Workload
Use our research and analysis platform and cut your workload
Stock Market Reports and Research Data
Comprehensive stock reports and research data to stay informed
Retain Your Clients
Retain your clients by offering high-quality stock market investment tools
BoursePanel White Labeling Solution
Integrate BoursePanel into your system with your branding
Get Stock Market Research Data
Get comprehensive stock market research data and share it with your clients.
Boursepanel Mobile App is a dedicated mobile application for stock trade signals. The App is yet another development of Finscientist, a well-known Fintech company for developing high-end financial applications. The App serves every stock trader's needs with its user-friendly interface, highly accurate stock trade signals, and stock reports. It's available on both the play store and the app store, and it's available with a free 10-days demo account. read more
I have been using the stock market to make money and I can say it's an amazing service. If you want to make money in the stock market, you need this. Stock Market is a great tool that allows you to trade stocks, options and more. I love how easy it is to use and the live trades always help me keep up with the market.
While it's true that the stock market can be a risky place to put your savings, it's also a great place to make them grow. The trick is to find a stock that's at a low point, buy it, and wait for it to go up. The problem is finding the perfect stock at the perfect time. Day trading is not for amateurs and there are a lot of risks. BouresPanel that makes it easy for you to do this. You can track your stocks, see how much money you are making, see your portfolio, see what stocks to buy next, chat with other traders, and more.
I've always been interested in investing and the stock market. I've made some money but I would like to learn more about the stock market, stocks and have more money invested in the market. I like the play money that you can buy with real money. It lets you try out a new stock market strategy without risking your actual money.